Policy Interpretation


Policy Interpretation of 'Science and Technology to Support Carbon Neutral Implementation Plan (2022-2030)

In order to further implement the relevant deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and do a good job in supporting the work of carbon neutral carbon peaks, the Ministry of Science and Technology and other nine departments jointly issued the 'Science and Technology to support carbon peaks and carbon neutral implementation plan (2022-2030)' (hereinafter referred to as 'Implementation Plan'). Recently, the person in charge of the Ministry of Science and Technology on the 'implementation plan' related to the situation answered the questions of reporters.

  First, what is the purpose and significance of the 'Implementation Plan'?

  Carbon Dafeng Carbon Neutral is a major strategic decision made by the Party Central Committee after careful consideration, which is related to the sustainable development of the Chinese nation and the building of a community of human destiny. Science and technology innovation is the key to achieving economic and social development and carbon neutrality at the same time.

  In order to thoroughly implement the major decision of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on carbon neutrality, and in accordance with the overall arrangement of the '1+N' policy system, the Ministry of Science and Technology, together with the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Transport and other nine departments have organized and prepared the 'Science and Technology Support for Carbon Neutral Development'. The 'Implementation Plan for Carbon Neutrality (2022-2030)' is a comprehensive proposal of science and technology innovation actions and guarantee initiatives to support the achievement of the goal of carbon neutrality by 2030, and a reserve of technology research and development to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality by 2060. It will serve as a guide for the national science and technology community, as well as relevant industries, fields, localities and enterprises to carry out carbon neutral science and technology innovation work. 

  2. What are the positioning and principles of the Implementation Plan?

  The 'Implementation Plan' is in line with the 'Opinions of the CPC Central Committee, State Council on the Complete and Accurate Implementation of the New Development Concept and the Carbon Neutral Work' and the 'Carbon Neutral Action Plan by 2030'. It will coordinate low-carbon technology demonstration and base construction, talent training, low-carbon technology enterprise cultivation and international cooperation, promote the output of scientific and technological achievements and demonstration application, and provide scientific and technological support to achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutral. The following principles are followed in the preparation process.

  First, to coordinate the current and long-term. According to the requirements of sustainable economic and social development, based on China's economic and social development in 2030 and 2060 and carbon emissions scenario projections, research and propose science and technology innovation actions and safeguard initiatives to support the achievement of the peak carbon goal by 2030, and build a low-carbon technology innovation system to achieve the carbon neutral goal by 2060 to do a good job of technology research and development reserves.

  Second, to coordinate science and technology innovation and policy innovation. Science and technology innovation and policy innovation are two important aspects of achieving the carbon neutral goal of carbon peaking, and one cannot be achieved without the other. Combined with the functions of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Implementation Plan focuses more on science and technology innovation, focusing on strengthening the supply of high-efficiency, low-cost low-carbon technologies, while also giving due consideration to low-carbon technology standards and other aspects of policy innovation, in order to promote the industrialization of low-carbon technologies.

  Third, the work of the science and technology sector and related parties is coordinated. On the basis of the relevant work already carried out and being deployed by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the scientific and technological needs of relevant departments and localities in low-carbon technology innovation are widely solicited and fully absorbed in the process of preparation of the Implementation Plan. In accordance with the overall arrangement of the '1+N' policy system, coordinate and dovetail with the implementation plans prepared by relevant departments.

   Third, what are the key tasks of the 'Implementation Plan'?

   Strengthening science and technology to support the carbon peak and carbon neutral involves basic research, technology research and development, application demonstration, results promotion, personnel training, international cooperation and other aspects, the 'Implementation Plan' put forward 10 specific actions.

   First, the energy green low-carbon transformation of science and technology to support action. Based on coal-based resource endowment, grasp the clean and efficient use of coal, increase the capacity of new energy consumption, and promote the optimal combination of coal and new energy to protect national energy security and reduce carbon emissions.

  Second, low-carbon and zero-carbon industrial process reengineering technology breakthrough action. Is the core of raw material fuel substitution, short process manufacturing and low-carbon technology integration and coupling optimization, leading the high-carbon industrial process of zero-carbon and low-carbon reengineering.

  Third, the construction and transportation low-carbon zero-carbon technology research action. Is to focus on the green low-carbon transformation goals of the transportation and construction industries, with a focus on decarbonization and energy efficiency, vigorously promote low-carbon zero-carbon technology research and development and promotion and application.

  Fourth, negative carbon and non-carbon dioxide greenhouse gas emission reduction technology capacity enhancement action. Focus on enhancing the negative carbon technology capacity of CCUS, green carbon sink, blue carbon sink, etc., and the targeted deployment of methane, nitrous oxide and other non-CO2 greenhouse gas monitoring and reduction replacement technologies.

  Fifth, cutting-edge disruptive low-carbon technology innovation action. Focus on the goal of driving industrial change, focus on the latest breakthroughs in basic research, accelerate the cultivation of disruptive technological innovation paths, and lead the realization of iterative upgrading of industries and economic development methods.

  Sixth, low-carbon zero-carbon technology demonstration action. Form a number of replicable and scalable advanced technology-led comprehensive solutions for energy saving and carbon reduction technologies, and carry out a number of typical low-carbon technology application demonstrations to promote the transfer and transformation of low-carbon technology achievements.

  Seven is the carbon peak carbon neutral management decision support action. Strengthen carbon emission reduction monitoring, verification, accounting, assessment technology system research proposals, and put forward different industrial sectors, regional carbon peak carbon neutral development path and technical support system.

  Eight is the carbon peak carbon neutral innovation projects, bases, talent synergy and efficiency actions. Investing in strengthening the systematic deployment of national science and technology plans for low-carbon science and technology innovation, promoting the construction of national green and low-carbon innovation bases and talent training, strengthening the synergy of projects, bases and talents, and enhancing the synergy of innovation drive and the overall effectiveness of national innovation system.

  Nine is the green low-carbon science and technology enterprise cultivation and service action. Accelerate the improvement of green low-carbon technology enterprise incubation service system, cultivate a number of low-carbon technology leading enterprises, and optimize the ecology of green low-carbon field innovation and entrepreneurship.

  Ten is the carbon peak and carbon neutral science and technology innovation international cooperation action. Continuously deepen international cooperation in the field of low-carbon science and technology innovation, build an international network of international cooperation in green technology innovation, and support the building of a community of human destiny.


Fourth, how to ensure the implementation of the 'implementation plan'?


  The Ministry of Science and Technology will ensure the implementation of the Implementation Plan through the following three aspects: First, strengthen the mechanism to ensure the establishment of a dual carbon science and technology innovation inter-ministerial coordination mechanism and a national carbon neutral science and technology expert committee, while continuing to promote the reform of the scientific research system and mechanism, releasing innovative vitality and creating an innovative environment suitable for the development of carbon neutral science and technology. Second, strengthen the tracking and monitoring of carbon neutral technology, focus on the R&D and application investment of carbon neutral technology, and promote technology preference and iteration through science and technology assessment and evaluation mechanism. Third, strengthen the protection of property rights of technological achievements, promote the improvement of national laws and regulations related to scientific and technological intellectual property rights, and promote the establishment of low-carbon technology infringement information records and incorporate them into the national public credit sharing platform.

Article Link: Environmental Protection Online

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