15 countries' plastic ban 'swarmed in. Don't say' waste plastic 'has nothing to do with you!


15 countries' plastic ban 'swarmed in. Don't say' waste plastic 'has nothing to do with you!

China's' ban on waste 'is really a good opportunity for the world to understand the innovation of plastic waste. While using' waste classification 'to recycle and dispose of existing waste plastic, it issued a' ban on plastic 'with disciplinary provisions, which is intended to reduce the production of plastic from the source. We have seen the efforts of countries around the world. According to incomplete statistics, 15 countries have issued' ban on plastic 'in just half a year. Industry transformation is imminent!

Hainan Province, China

Implemented from 2020

On February 21, the press conference of the 'implementation plan for the comprehensive prohibition of the production, sale and use of disposable non degradable plastic products in Hainan Province' was held in Haikou. The reporter learned that by the end of 2019, the local regulations and standard system prohibiting the production, sale and use of disposable non degradable plastic products in the province should be established and improved, the supervision and law enforcement system should be improved, and the supply capacity of alternative products should be formed;

By the end of 2020, the province will completely prohibit the production, sale and use of disposable non degradable plastic bags and plastic tableware;

By the end of 2025, the province will completely prohibit the production, sale and use of plastic products listed in the list of disposable non degradable plastic products prohibited in Hainan Province (Trial).

New Zealand

Implemented from July 1st, 2019

From July 1 this year, no matter the size of supermarkets, including clothing stores, dairy stores and other retail industries, disposable plastic shopping bags will be completely banned;

The Ministry of environmental protection has issued a document confirming that the maximum fine for serious violations and ineffective persuasion is $100000!

the republic of korea

Implemented from January 1st, 2019

The Ministry of environment of South Korea announced on its official website that according to the 'amendment to the law on resource conservation and promotion of resource recycling', from January 1, 2019, more than 2000 hypermarkets and 11000 supermarkets with an area of more than 165 square meters in South Korea will completely ban disposable plastic bags.

In addition to plastic bags for fish and meat, relevant hypermarkets and supermarkets can only provide customers with environmentally friendly shopping bags, paper shopping bags, recyclable containers and other items. If the disposable plastic bag is found to be used, the merchant will be fined up to 3million won (about 2700 US dollars).

New York, USA

Implemented from January 2019

China Overseas Chinese News reported on January 15 that New York Governor James Graham plans to implement the ban on plastic bags throughout the state. In order to implement environmental protection policies, James Graham will include the ban on plastic bags in the 2019 administrative budget. He pointed out that 'the bold action of banning plastic bags and promoting recycling will reduce garbage in our community, protect our water sources, and create a cleaner and greener New York for all'.

Recently, Hoboken has begun to implement the plastic ban. Plastic bags in supermarkets such as shoprite are sold for 10 cents each.


Implemented from February 3, 2019

On August 3, 2018, Chile officially promulgated the 'plastic ban law', which prohibits all supermarkets and shops in the country from providing plastic bags to customers. Chile thus became the first country in Latin America to completely ban merchants from providing plastic bags to shoppers.

The 'plastic ban law' stipulates that from February 3, 2019, all large supermarkets and shopping malls shall no longer provide free or charged plastic bags to shoppers, and the maximum fine for each illegally provided plastic bag is 370 US dollars; From August 3, 2020, Chile will completely 'ban plastic'.


Implemented from 2020

On July 12, the French 'European Times' reported that a resolution recently voted by the Paris City Council stipulates that from September, major municipal public institutions such as schools, nursing homes, stadiums and museums will gradually ban the use of plastic straws.

France has banned disposable plastic bags with a thickness of less than 50 microns since 2016. In addition, the French government will completely ban disposable tableware made of pure plastic from 2020 and replace them with degradable bags and compostable bags.

EU Member States

Implemented from 2021

Science and technology daily, Berlin, October 24, 2018 (reporter Gu Gang) - the European Parliament voted on the 24th to ban the use of disposable plastic products from 2021 in order to curb the increasingly serious pollution of plastic waste to the marine and ecological environment.

According to the proposal, from 2021, the EU will prohibit the production and sale of disposable tableware, cotton swabs, straw and other disposable plastic products, which will be replaced by paper, straw or reusable hard plastic.

Plastic bottles will be collected separately according to the existing recycling mode. By 2025, the recycling rate of disposable plastic bottles in member countries is required to reach 90%.


Implemented from July 1st, 2018

From July 1st, 2018, Queensland and Western Australia banned retailers from providing disposable ultra-thin plastic bags to customers. Since then, only New South Wales has not implemented the plastic ban in eight administrative regions of Australia.

According to Queensland regulations, retailers who illegally provide disposable ultra-thin plastic bags with a thickness of no more than 35 microns may face a huge fine of up to $6300 (equivalent to 30000 yuan).

Woolworth, the largest supermarket chain in Australia, has stopped providing disposable plastic bags to customers in 1000 stores nationwide since June 20, 2018. Customers need to bring their own shopping bags or buy recyclable environmental protection plastic bags when shopping.


Implemented from 2022

On June 5, world environment day, the Indian Prime Minister announced that he planned to eliminate all disposable plastic products by 2022.

The 'plastic restriction order' of Maharashtra, India's second most populous state, came into force on June 23.

CNN said that after the plastic restriction came into effect, inspectors began to appear frequently on the city streets and mercilessly issue fines to illegal businesses. On June 24, more than 80 merchants in Mumbai, the capital of the state alone, were fined up to 400000 rupees.


Implemented from January 2019


n January this year, British Prime Minister Theresa May announced that she would spare no effort to completely ban plastic products. In addition to imposing taxes on various plastic products and increasing the research and development of replaceable materials, she also plans to eliminate all avoidable plastic waste, including plastic bags, beverage bottles, straws and most food packaging bags, by 2042.

In addition to the government, the queen of England also expressed her strong determination to ban plastic bottles and plastic straws in all royal territories.

Macao SAR

The sales quantity is completed in excess

The Executive Council of the Macao Special Administrative Region announced on the 14th that it had completed the discussion on the draft law on 'restrictions on the provision of plastic bags', suggesting that the control measures of 'plastic bag charging' should be implemented for the provision of plastic bags in retail, and merchants should charge a fee of mop 1 per plastic bag.

The bill proposes that in retail activities, plastic bags must be provided to others in a paid manner, and the price set by the chief executive's instructions published in the HKSAR Gazette must be charged for each plastic bag.

The act sets exceptions, especially for health and safety reasons, and stipulates that plastic bags can be provided free of charge for goods used to contain food or drugs that are not pre packaged, food or drugs that are not airtight packaged, food or drugs that should be kept hot and cold, and goods that are subject to safety restrictions on carrying hand luggage in the airport restricted area.

At the same time, the bill suggests that the environmental protection bureau should be responsible for monitoring the compliance with the law. If the relevant provisions restricting the provision of plastic bags are violated, a fine of mop 1000 will be imposed; In case of violation of cooperation obligations, a fine of mop 10000 will be imposed.

In addition, the bill proposes that in order to strengthen publicity and education, improve environmental awareness and promote the reduction of the provision of plastic bags, the bill requires that publicity materials related to the provision of plastic bags be posted in a prominent place in retail places.


Implemented from 2021

According to the Icelandic review on January 31, the Icelandic environment minister Gu ð mundurIngi Gu ð Brandsson introduced a new bill in the Icelandic parliament to ban the use of plastic bags until 2021. If the bill is passed, enterprises will not be allowed to provide free plastic bags to customers. By 2021, enterprises will not be allowed to distribute any plastic bags, whether free or paid.

Merchants can still sell plastic bags on store shelves, but it is forbidden to sell plastic bags at checkout points.

The act stipulates that from the beginning of 2020, individuals will use an average of no more than 90 plastic bags per year and no more than 40 from 2026.

The proposed bill is stricter than the EU Directive on reducing the use of plastic bags. The EU allows countries to exempt the thinnest plastic bags from the ban, while Iceland does not.

Washington State

Implemented from 2020

According to the plastic restriction order of Washington state, from 2020 at the latest, there will be no disposable plastic bags in supermarkets.

It is reported that in addition to prohibiting the use of disposable plastic bags, the bill also requires recycled paper bags to contain at least 40% recycled materials. However, some disposable plastic bags used in stores will be exempted from the ban, including plastic bags for packaging fruits, vegetables, bulk food and meat, and bags for loose bulk items such as screws. In addition, compostable handbags will also be included in the list of prohibited uses, but businesses can be exempted if they use compostable plastic bags in stores.

If the measure is finally unanimously approved by the state legislature, businesses will only have one year to use up their existing disposable plastic bag inventory. If there is a violation of the plastic restriction order by 2020, businesses will face a violation fine of $250.

Hobart, Australia

Implemented from March 2019

Hobart has become the first city in Australia to ban the use of disposable plastics, ABC reported. If enterprises use disposable plastics, they may be fined up to $1300. Local residents are very supportive of this policy.

From today on, Hobart will gradually ban disposable plastics. Senator Ben Harvey passed the articles of association and made amendments. The fine will take effect in December 2020, so that enterprises can have time to adjust.

And this clause is not only aimed at plastic straws, any petroleum based plastic containers, such as disposable cups, straws, tableware, sauce packaging, are prohibited.


The sales quantity is completed in excess

The Municipal Council of s ã o Paulo, Brazil, passed a new proposal to ban the supply of plastic straws in the city in the first round of voting.

The decree stipulates that the municipal government of Sao Paulo prohibits businesses from supplying plastic straws in hotels, restaurants, bars, bakeries and other places, which is also applicable to nightclubs, song and dance halls, various concerts and other venues. Merchants can choose to supply recycled paper straws, edible straws or biodegradable straws. All straws need to be packaged separately and use packaging bags of the same material.

Businesses will be warned by the government when they violate the regulations for the first time, fined 1000 yuan for the second time, doubled for the third time, and so on. If the merchant violates the regulations for more than six times, the government will impose a fine of 8000 yuan in addition to administrative closure.

In addition, the state legislature of Sao Paulo has also received a proposal to ban the supply of plastic straws throughout the state. The proposal provides for fines ranging from 500 to 5000 heors for those who violate the law, which must be subject to a full vote after discussion by members of the parliament, and then submitted to the governor for a final ruling.

According to statistics, six coastal cities in the state have banned the supply of plastic straws, including Santos, guaruj á, ilhabela, Ubatuba, s ã o Sebasti ã O and caraguatatuba.

'For China, the 'plastic ban' has been tried out as early as 10 years ago, but due to the low cost and convenience of plastic and market operation, its implementation has been hampered by layers. However, Xiaobian believes that for humans, the 'plastic ban' is really annoying. This is a habit that has been taught since childhood, but now it should be enforced in the form of law, but anyway, I hope that in the near future, The plastic around us can be really recycled!

Source: new observation of waste plastics

Article links:China Plastics Online http://info.21cp.com/industry/News/201903/1526222.htm