Promote waste separation and green development


Promoting waste classification and promoting green development -- written on the occasion of the world environment day

Xinhua news agency, Beijing, June 4, topic: promoting waste classification and promoting green development -- written on the occasion of the world environment day

Xinhua News Agency reporters Gao Jing, Wang Youling

This is a small matter around everyone, a major event related to the level of social civilization, and a fact that affects the transformation of China's green development.

The general secretary called on everyone in the whole society to work together to improve the living environment and contribute to green and sustainable development.

Although garbage is small, it leads people's livelihood and civilization.

Say 'no' to garbage - this is a 'trivial matter' related to people's livelihood, and it is also a major event to protect resources and environment

With white walls and black tiles, clean streets and alleys, and trees and flowers planted at the door of every house, the villagers are happy and contented, a harmonious pastoral scenery. It is hard to imagine that a few years ago, liujiaotang village was still a typical example of dirty and messy.

Liujiaotang village is in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province. A few years ago, the villagers made up their minds to start with garbage and improve the environment of the whole village. There are two unified garbage cans at the door of each household - the green garbage can says' perishable garbage 'and the blue garbage can says' non perishable garbage'.

'Small signs are hung on the outer walls of some families, and honorary badges such as' beautiful family demonstration household ',' beautiful courtyard household 'and' garbage sorting expert 'are displayed on them. It is clear at a glance who does a good job in garbage classification and who does a bad job in garbage classification.

Many villagers said that in the past, the village was full of garbage, mosquitoes and flies, and they dared not open windows in summer. After the implementation of garbage classification, the garbage did not fall to the ground, and the village was much cleaner. Many city people also came to the village to play.

Starting from the waste classification, the villagers comprehensively renovated the appearance of the village. Nowadays, liujiaotang village is beautiful. The village has also built the country's first art exhibition hall with the theme of garbage classification, which has attracted visitors from all over the country.

'The implementation of waste classification is related to the living environment of the broad masses of the people and the conservation of resources. It is also an important embodiment of the level of social civilization.'

On December 21, 2016, the 14th meeting of the central financial and economic leading group was held.

'The universal implementation of the garbage classification system is related to the improvement of the living environment of more than 1.3 billion people and the reduction, recycling and harmless treatment of garbage.' The general secretary stressed.

'When I was a child, I lived in Hutong and took out garbage at night. Now that the conditions are good and the environment is beautiful, we must do a good job in garbage classification and recycling. This requires our property management to be higher and more difficult. We should strengthen management and constantly increase investment in this area. ' The general secretary said to the community staff and the masses.

Garbage is not a small problem. Some rural garbage is dumped on the river, polluting the river and soil. Some urban landfills are short of land, and there is almost no place to dump garbage. Environmental problems caused by garbage have become one of the 'pain points' of urban and rural development.

With the accelerated expansion of cities and the improvement of people's living standards, the output of garbage is also increasing. At present, the national urban domestic waste production has exceeded 200 million tons a year.

If the garbage problem is not solved well, the masses will not agree. Garbage classification is the product of the development of production and life to a certain stage, and it is an important embodiment of the level of social civilization. Cultivating the awareness of garbage classification and the habit of garbage classification can promote the people to gradually form a green lifestyle. Whether it is waste classification and delivery, or all links of collection, transportation and treatment, capital investment is required, and there must be a corresponding foundation for economic and social development.

In 2017, the 'implementation plan of domestic waste classification system' was issued and implemented. It was proposed that by the end of 2020, China will implement compulsory classification of domestic waste in 46 cities, and the recycling rate of domestic waste in China will reach more than 35%.

Garbage classification, a must answer question related to the living environment of the masses and the green development of society in China, has a solid foundation for solving the problem.

Garbage classification is a new fashion - 'I'm not used to garbage without classification'

The reporter saw in an interview in Shanghai a few days ago that at 7:30 in the morning, the garbage dumping site in Zhaoxiang village, Jiading District was lively and orderly.

Gu caie, a volunteer, warmly greeted Zhao Genfa, a resident who came to throw garbage, and skillfully scanned the code for registration. After the sound of 'Di', Zhao Genfa put away his 'green account' QR code, washed his hands in front of the washing table configured in the garbage compartment, and said to the reporter, 'at the end of the month, my 'green account' will have five or six hundred points, and I can change toothpaste, washing powder and other daily necessities.'

'Green account' is an innovation in the incentive mechanism of waste classification in Shanghai, which is distributed to families participating in dry and wet waste classification. Residents can earn points as long as they correctly classify and put garbage at fixed points in the morning and evening every day. Points can be exchanged for items or shopping coupons. Today, more than 5 million 'green accounts' have been issued in Shanghai.

What can rot on the ground is wet garbage, and what won't rot is dry garbage - in two short words, residents remember to get familiar with it. A resident said, 'I'm not used to garbage without classification.'

In November, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who visited Shanghai, said that garbage classification is a new fashion after listening to several young Party members' exchange of practices of garbage classification and promotion in the community!

The classified release of household garbage is only the first step. Delivery, collection, transportation, disposal and other links are closely linked and indispensable.

In order to strictly prevent the problems of 'source classification, middle-end mixed transportation and back-end mixed transportation', Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, strengthened supervision and assessment, strengthened the long-term management of existing classified communities, and focused on strengthening the supervision and management of mixed collection and mixed transportation through measures such as the separate collection and transportation of recyclables and hazardous waste by a third party.

The city also opened a mixed collection and transportation reporting channel on the wechat platform of 'Suzhou garbage classification'. If citizens find mixed collection behavior, they can directly report and supervise on the platform. For residential areas where mixed collection and transportation are found, the local government will cancel the title of garbage classification community, circulate a notice of criticism, and give 200 yuan in cash to citizens who report.

Shenzhen is a city that carried out waste classification earlier in China, and has also created many 'tricks' - combined with local characteristics, it implements a large category of special diversion treatment for greening waste, fruit and vegetable waste and kitchen waste with large amount of production, relatively concentrated sources and relatively mature treatment technology.

For example, some park greening garbage 'turns waste into treasure' and becomes fertilizer or fuel. 30 small and medium-sized treatment facilities have been built in the city, and the greening waste in municipal parks has been crushed and backfilled nearby, and it is basically not out of the park. After being crushed in the greening branch crushing field, the road greening waste can be retched and reused, or sent to biomass power plants as fuel.

For hazardous waste that damages the ecological environment, 24000 waste battery recycling bins and 12000 waste lamp recycling bins have been set up in the city, and professional companies have been entrusted to carry out classified collection, transportation and harmless treatment. In 2018, 72 tons of batteries and 135 tons of light tubes were recycled in Shenzhen.

Nearly 30 cities, including Shanghai, Xiamen, Xining and Guangzhou, have issued laws and regulations or management measures related to waste classification, clarifying the responsibilities of all parties involved in the waste classification chain.

Cultivating the awareness of garbage classification is the basis for promoting this 'trivial matter' of people's livelihood. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that extensive education and guidance should be carried out to make the broad masses of the people realize the importance and necessity of garbage classification.

In Xiangrui community, Changsha County, Hunan Province, there is a team of community 'propagandists' and 'instructors' who carry out garbage classification.

'Since the community began to implement garbage classification, the community has often organized many interesting activities. Residents have learned a lot about garbage classification, and the effect is particularly good.' Liangxibao, an environmental protection volunteer in the community, said. After vigorous publicity, the kitchen waste and wet garbage in the community have changed from being completely mixed with other garbage to being able to separate a truck of wet garbage every day.

'Before classification, we had to pull 18 cars of garbage every day, but now there are only 12 cars a day.' The staff responsible for the collection and transportation of garbage in the community said that the reduced six vehicles of garbage, mainly recyclable garbage and dry batteries, entered the small blue house set up in the community, realizing resource recycling and reuse.

In Xiamen City, Fujian Province, finding the way home for garbage, changing waste materials into 'new clothes', and where to go with leftovers... Primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in the city have carried out a series of 'small hand in big hand' activities according to their own teaching characteristics.

Xiamen has also compiled garbage classification textbooks in three versions of 'Xiamen domestic garbage classification knowledge reader' for middle schools, primary schools and kindergartens, which incorporate garbage classification knowledge into the primary and secondary school teaching system.

'In the past, there was little awareness of garbage classification at home, but now the two children have become 'propagandists' and' supervisors' of garbage classification at home.' Liaozhenrong, a citizen, said, 'I know from the older children that the button battery is different from the ordinary No. 5 and No. 7 battery, which are harmful garbage and other garbage respectively.'

Everything is valuable and constant -- let more people take action to contribute to green development

A few days ago, the survey report on citizens' ecological environmental behavior (2019) released by the Ministry of ecological environment showed that more than 90% of the surveyed public recognized that waste classification was very important for protecting China's ecological environment, but only about 30% of the public thought they were doing well in waste classification.

Why not 'unity of knowledge and action'? Xuhaiyun, chief engineer of China Academy of urban construction, said that many residents 'don't know how to classify' and 'it's too troublesome to divide'. Some believe that 'front-end classification and back-end mixed loading and transportation are meaningless', which makes the public 'have a high awareness of garbage classification and poor action ability'.

In fact, as early as around 2000, Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Guilin, Guangzhou and other places began to build 'urban waste classification' pilot projects, but not all places have achieved remarkable results.

How to let the public know about classification, be willing to classify and facilitate classification? The experience of rural waste classification in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province provides a successful sample.

The city implemented the 'two times and four parts method' of garbage in rural areas - for the first time, villagers only need to divide garbage into 'rotten' and 'not rotten'; The second time, the cleaners in the village divided the 'non rotten' garbage into 'good to sell' and 'bad to sell'. The cleaners send the rotten garbage to the sunshine composting room for fermentation to produce organic fertilizer. The 'easy to sell' garbage will be recycled, and the 'hard to sell' garbage will enter the landfill.

'Domestic waste classification management involves the change of people's behavior and habits, and it needs a long-term process to test the level of urban and rural fine management.' Liujianguo, a professor at the school of environment of Tsinghua University, said, 'the classification and treatment of domestic waste in developed countries have experienced decades or even longer efforts. We must be patient to solve the problem of waste classification and gradually guide and promote it.'

The instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out the direction for solving the problem of garbage classification——

'The key to implementing waste classification is to strengthen scientific management, form a long-term mechanism and promote habit formation'.

'We should strengthen guidance, adjust measures to local conditions, continue to promote, do our work carefully and earnestly, and continue to grasp it.'.

'Through effective supervision and guidance, let more people take action and cultivate the good habit of garbage classification. Everyone in the whole society should work together to improve the living environment and contribute to green development and sustainable development.'.

Good habits can be cultivated and shaped. In today's era of vigorously promoting the construction of ecological civilization, garbage classification should become a 'handy task' for everyone. A series of measures are cultivating people's garbage classification habits.

The regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the administration of domestic waste, which will come into force next month, stipulates that units that fail to classify domestic waste and put it into the corresponding collection containers may be fined 5000 to 50000 yuan; Individuals who mix hazardous garbage with recyclables, wet garbage and dry garbage, or mix wet garbage with recyclables and dry garbage, may be fined 50 to 200 yuan.

A few days ago, Beijing also proposed to promote schools, hospitals and other public institutions, as well as commercial office buildings, tourist attractions, hotels and other business places to carry out compulsory garbage classification, and gradually achieve full coverage.

The Ministry of housing and urban rural development, together with relevant departments, recently issued a notice requiring that the garbage classification work be expanded from 46 key cities in the early stage to cities at and above the prefecture level nationwide from this year, and the domestic garbage classification work be fully started.

'China actively and effectively promotes the concept of green development and makes great efforts to improve the environment and protect nature, which plays an exemplary role for the world.' The Secretary General of the Bureau of international exhibitions, Mr. losetes, praised China's efforts in ecological protection.

Now, the construction of ecological civilization has been incorporated into the overall layout of China's national development, and building a beautiful China has become the aspiration of the Chinese people. China's ecological civilization construction has entered the fast lane, and the bluer sky, greener mountains and clearer water will continue to be displayed in front of the world.

Starting from me, the whole society should take action, starting from the trivial things like garbage classification and toilet revolution, to build the foundation of ecological civilization and take the road of green development together for a greener and healthier beautiful China! (participating reporter: Shi Weiyan)

Source: Xinhuanet

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